Saturday 30 May 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is my Ipod Touch. My parents gave it to me as a Christmas present two years ago, I was really happy. I use it principally to listen music, watch movies and episodes of The Simpsons, store all kind of files like photographs, and surf on the web. I use it everyday of the week, at least one hour a day. I like my Ipod for many reasons, first because I can listen music wherever I want, second because it is really fun to use its touch screen, also I dont get bored when I have to travel because I can watch videos. Another reason is that I can connect it to any wireless network in any place. I also love it because it has beautiful easthetic characteristics and is very easy to use. I do not think that my life would change a lot if I wouldn't have my Ipod, but definitely there would be more occasions in which I would be bored. I do not think that an Ipod is an essential piece of technology, like it could be a cell phone, but certainly it is very fun to have one and I would never change it. Bye Bye.


  1. hi Danae: I didn´t know that the Ipod allows watching videos, it´s cool.the true is that I didn´t know what was its function.

  2. Hi! It's really great that you can do so many things with your Ipod, I think that's cool. Bye Bye :D

  3. The picture is realy sweet !

    i like it.
    see you in class
