Sunday 14 June 2009

A lovely picture!

It was really hard to me to pick only one picture to comment in my blog because I really like photography and I have taken a lot of pictures that I would like to shared. This photo was taken in 2006 I think and it was taken by me. On this picture appears my dear dog whos name is Nemo. I like this photo because it shows my pet who I love so much, also because the place where this picture was taken is Atacama's Desert (really near to my city) and I took it in a family trip during the season when this desert is full of flowers, as you can see. This phenomenon is called "Flowery Desert" and is produced only if there was enough quantity of rains during the year. The "Flowery Desert" in the Atacama's Desert is unique in the whole world and that is what makes this photograph so special. This image makes me remember home and I also like it because its colors are really beautiful. Good Bye!

Saturday 30 May 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is my Ipod Touch. My parents gave it to me as a Christmas present two years ago, I was really happy. I use it principally to listen music, watch movies and episodes of The Simpsons, store all kind of files like photographs, and surf on the web. I use it everyday of the week, at least one hour a day. I like my Ipod for many reasons, first because I can listen music wherever I want, second because it is really fun to use its touch screen, also I dont get bored when I have to travel because I can watch videos. Another reason is that I can connect it to any wireless network in any place. I also love it because it has beautiful easthetic characteristics and is very easy to use. I do not think that my life would change a lot if I wouldn't have my Ipod, but definitely there would be more occasions in which I would be bored. I do not think that an Ipod is an essential piece of technology, like it could be a cell phone, but certainly it is very fun to have one and I would never change it. Bye Bye.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Hi!! my name is Danae I have twenty years old and at this moment I'm studying veterinary medicine. I live in the city of Santiago but I come from Vallenar in the north of chile (third region), it's a small city but very beautiful. I love to watch movies, specially horror movies, and read a lot of books of all kind of subjects. Two of my favorite authors are Gabriel GarcĂ­a Marquez and Stephen King. I couldnt live without music, my pets , my boyfriend and my family.
Well, with this blog I hope to improve my skills on writing in English, principally in the field of draft and grammar. Also I hope to extend my vocabulary.
Bye :D